  • Splinter Cell - Conviction: Preview Friv Game

  • - You can't hide from them!
    - Who said anything about hiding?
    From a dialogue with Semyon Rybkin, a pianist.

    Sooner or later in the history of any series there comes a moment when it becomes necessary to radically change the concept and shake up the details and elements. Well, you know, it's like compote on a hot summer day - if you just got it out of the refrigerator in a sweaty jar - you can't think of anything better. Then, over time, it already loses its former attractiveness, and when it begins to exude a specific smell, the newly-made mash has no more fans at all. The simplest law "on compote in the gaming industry" began to learn even inveterate "losers" in this matter from Electronic Arts with their long-suffering Need for Speed and FIFA. What can we say about Friv5Online Games Studio who has earned a reputation as a media monster for being more responsive to her projects. It is high time for the French to thoroughly shake one of the main "golden children" - the series Splinter Cell.

    The popular stealth action Friv game was born in 2003, which means that he is the youngest of the four colossus, holding the entire genre of "silent killing" (we are also talking about Thief , Metal Gear Solid and Hitman ). After a more than successful launch, Splinter Cell was carefully lowered onto the conveyor belt and delighted fans with new iterations every year. Thoughts about "unwanted brew" began to visit the creators after the third part - in 2006. With the release of Double Agent, we were promised a total update and a big leap in the development of the series, but, unfortunately, the revolution never happened. This relative setback made Friv5Online Games Studio to slow down and take a more responsible approach to the further development of the project. Three years have passed, and now we can safely say: Conviction is really something completely different. So we open the notebook from scratch and write it down.

    According to the plot of the Friv game, Sam Fisher reaches retirement age and leaves the "Third Echelon", a secret organization in the service of the United States, which has become so familiar. The former agent on the Mediterranean coast is not led by medical bathing and other electrophoresis, but by the search for those responsible for the death of his daughter, who died at the beginning of Double Agent. Unraveling the tangle of intrigues and villainous plans, our hero will again have to plunge into the abyss of supreme conspiracies, betrayals and other political filth. And it is not so easy to wash it off, as you understand.

    The tight black suit began to rub at all inopportunely, so this wardrobe item is sent to the catwoman and lovers of unconventional sex. Fischer, driven by personal motives, finally acquires true humanity and fully reveals his temper and character to the viewer. If I had to describe in one word the difference between Convictionand the previous parts in terms of the atmosphere, then they would undoubtedly turn out to be - "malice" (well, or other synonyms). The unhappy father does not shun cruel means of neutralizing opponents and he deeply does not care how many corpses and broken limbs will mark his path. Now Sam is a cross between a hunted down Jason Bourne and a vengeful Max Payne. I would add a little irony, and John McClain from Die Hard would have come to this motley company ... but it did not happen.

    Matters of Bygone Days Conviction was announced at Ubidays in 2007. Then Sam Fisher appeared before us as a shaggy old bum (you will forgive) with a hood on his head. Stealth mechanics at that time consisted in the skillful use of surrounding objects, as well as interaction with a crowd of neutral extras (the action mainly took place in the fresh air). To replace the boring indicators from the first parts, a new "recognition scale" was introduced.

    At that time, the gameplay of Conviction was recognized as very much reminiscent of Assassin's Creed , which was the reason for a thorough revision of the concept of the project and its complete disappearance from journalistic radars. Until 2009.

    Darkness is a friend of youth, vampires, ugly girls and Sam Fisher. The central pivot of the classic Splinter Cell was a combination of special indicators - visibility and audibility. The process of passing was entirely based on flirting with these two scales. Yes, it was once so. Now, we will judge our secrecy by implicit indicators, as, for example, in The Chronicles of Riddick : when the main character is out of sight of opponents, and no one suspects anything, the surrounding colors fade, and the lighting dims. But as soon as the alarm is raised, the world regains its former brightness and depth of colors.

    We can say that Conviction is no longer a stealth-action Friv game... but, rather, on the contrary, an action-stealth Friv game. Friv5Online Games Studio interchanges these two concepts in places, highlighting action, staginess and dynamics. Fischer does not hesitate to enter into open confrontation with opponents, often in close combat. For many, one of the main impressions of the last E3 exhibition was the scene in which our protagonist caught one of the villains by surprise, broke his arm, and then methodically introduced the foe's face to the surrounding interior details. The urinal, the wall, the sink, the door, all served well during the interrogation. Yes, yes, now in this way you will have to fish out information from enemies during the Friv game. Uncompromising, tough ... delicious, if you like. And with a high level of interactivity, of course.

    But the main gameplay innovation is related to remote battles and is also aimed at increasing the pace. Now, at any time, the player is free to designate targets for his protagonist - be it an armed enemy or an interfering light source. Well, after activating the planned actions, if the current situation allows it, Sam obediently, in turn, neutralizes unwanted objects. Moreover, the number of marked targets depends on the type of weapon used in a particular case. It is also stated that the artificial intelligence of our subordinate can arbitrarily change the programmed order of actions. Let's say that you have marked several enemies and only in the next turn - an explosive canister located next to them. After pressing the action button, Fischer may well decide whether that to shoot at a container with fuel from the very beginning is a much more rational and correct choice. Of course it is unlikely Friv5Online Games Studio will allow the former secret agent with his "artificial cockroaches" to get out of control seriously and for a long time, but, for now, this is perhaps the only controversial feature of Conviction.

    The designers deserve special praise for the new briefing system. From now on, mission objectives and other information (including flashbacks of the protagonist's memories) will be displayed directly on the scenery of the scene. Everything we need to know will be projected onto surrounding objects from somewhere behind the frame. I would like to wish the authors to add a special feature to the arsenal of the protagonist just for such moments - "to portray-as-a-shadow-from-hands-a dog-on-the-wall."

    Splinter Cell: Conviction is Mickey Rourke 's character from The Wrestler. The aged fighter, who has already begun to be forgotten by the fans, is returning to the ring. He no longer looks so fresh and cheerful, but this only makes him more eye-catching and respectful. And this healthy guy is ready to show everyone who really is the boss on the stealth action field! And this... you better do not argue... he can also face the faience.
